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Okay this is going to be my last election rally review before polling day. After doing 1 on Nicole Seah of NSP, and Tan Jee Say from SDP, I have to do 1 from PAP. This time it’s Tharman Shanmugaratnam from PAP. Tharman is definitely one of the more respected Ministers from the PAP. As the Minister of Finance, definitely he is more into the numbers of things. His speech is actually re-hashed by the newspapers already, but I would like to add my point of views. He starts of by saying that any serious debate on Singapore economic policies have to start with the basic realities of the world we live in. Things like how to create jobs, how to help low income workers, how to make sure we upgrade jobs, etc… basically requires money first. That is the only prudent thing to do. We have to spend what we have and not overspend. He then goes on to say that “It is a world that is very different from where we were 5 years ago. And it will be very different 10 years from now. ” Later on, he described that he was in the IMFC meeting 2 weeks ago, and the mood was downbeat. He goes on to say that these people are not congenital pessimist, but the mood was downbeat and it was more downbeat today than 1 year ago. It’s because there is a very real risk for a setback in global economies in US, Europe and even Asia. “The world is 1 shock away from another major crisis.” according to the World Bank President. The problems that led to the crisis is not over. Excessive household debt, Governments that overborrowed, Banks that are in a fragile state. And these problem will be with us for many years to come. He then goes on to talk about government credit rating in risk and banks have to raise or refinance up to $3.2 trillion in the next 2 years. These...
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Definitely one of the best post I have seen around. I sincerely believe in a lot of the things she said. Things on entitlement, expectations, and comparisons. Do read it! http://xiaxue.blogspot.com/2011/05/vote-wisely.html Just including the first paragraph: Watching the rallies of the opposition really annoys me. Hearing people cheer as the PAP are being blamed from the flash floods to Mat Selamat to housing prices to foreign talents in Singapore… Seriously, people are so full of anger and indignance that I’m sure if someone yelled “KILL THE PAP!!!111” the crowd will respond with a loud cheer. It is ridiculous. People are all angry over SOMETHING in their lives. Be it that buying a HDB used up all their savings or that they are losing hair… It is so convenient please, to vent all that frustration of your unhappiness on your government – the PAP! Nobody owes you a...
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Tan Jee Say looks like one of the more credible candidates to come out. From his online profile, he looks like he has experience in policy making and the execution of such policies. Of course, we would never know for sure. But sometimes, you just have got to take a risk to choose based on the current available information. He also wrote a 46page economic paper of which there is a summary by TheOnlineCitizen. Do take a look! For those with more time on their hands, I would suggest reading the full paper though. I have to say, it’s long. He starts off by saying of his $60billion national renewal plan as mentioned above. His suggestion was that it can funded by Temasek Holdings or GIC, or by using the National Reserves. Apparently his suggestion was rebutted by some PAP ministers that the sum of money is ‘no small change’. His logic at this point is pretty decent. I felt that the PAP’s counter response was a pretty weak one. The crux should be to address the issue on how this plan can be executed. It’s very easy to come out with a plan, it is the implementation and execution that would be a challenge. He then turns his attention to Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, which is the opposing candidate in the PAP camp for Holland-Bukit Timah. Apparently Dr Vivian Balakrishnan mentioned that he was astonished that Tan Jee Say said $60billion was small change, and that it took ‘perhaps a decade to accumulate that amount’. Again, very nice rebuttal by Tan Jee Say who said that in the 3 years from 2006-2008, the general government finance recorded a surplus of $75billion, which was $15billion more than his suggestion. I have not check out the figures for this, but perhaps a significant amount was due to investment gains. In any case, a very sound logic by Tan Jee Say. There wasn’t much else in the speech, since it is probably one of the opening rallies...
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Just some of my personal opinions. I have to say I am a little bias. I don’t think people below 28 years should be an election candidate. I believe they should serve in the grassroots or town councils for a couple of years first, because thats the only way to truly experience the ground. I watched the video 3 times. On the first glance, Nicole Seah seemed like a very angsty youth. Something like a JC counsellor type with a prepared speech. Some of the points she raised are rather superficial, such as the ‘fear’ of PAP, wealth of Singapore belongs to Singaporeans, foreigners in public areas and basically all kinds of emotional topics. These are the kinds of topics where uncles sitting around in coffee shops will discuss and rant. There seems to be quite a fair bit of false emotions, used for the purpose of rousing the crowd. This is especially when she goes from loud strong voice to giggles and smirks. But I would say her presentation skill to drive emotional points across is good, as well as her well prepared speech. Running through the sequence of her speech, she started by saying this election is not about the renewal of PAP, or any other party, but it is for Singaporeans to stand up and choose what is right for your country. A very good opener I would say. Her next point is that PM Lee said that the elections is not ‘masak masak’, and then she mentions how NSP understands that and doesn’t change team members on the whim, unlike PAP which did a last minute swap of candidate in Tampines and Tanjong Pagar. Quite a frivolous point in my opinion, but it does rouse up supporter’s emotion. Nicole then mentioned that she read the PAP manifesto and that PM Lee said that voters in wards won by opposition cannot expect the same improvements promised by PAP. I went to look at PAP’s manifesto and I couldn’t find it, although I would admit...
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Social media truly is making a large inevitable impact in our lives! For those of you still living in a cave (in Singapore at least), it is the start of the General Election 2011, or simply known as the GE2011. The Singapore Parliament was dissolved on 19th April 2011. After that, the nomination papers were open for collection, and the official nomination was held on 27th April 2011 11.00 am to 12.30pm. Amazingly, there were actually a few forms that were filled wrongly and disqualified. I wonder how hard is it to fill the forms. Maybe I’ll just go collect the forms as an independent candidate then use the papers as waste paper? From tomorrow, Thursday 28th April 2011 onwards, there will be election rallies held at numerous locations nationwide where people will attempt to share their view of the future, to rouse up emotions, and to show you why they are your best choice. Simply said, they are there to win your votes, by hook or by crook. However, back to my main point, social media is proving to be a much bigger tool in order to rally troops from the ground. With a click of a finger, information on a candidate (public or otherwise) can be dug up. A very interesting website is the GE2011 swarm tracker. Basically, this is like your google trends and twitter trends, combined into a visual form to show how certain GE2011 related keywords are being searched and which is the hot topic. To be honest, theres not much use in the raw data available, but perhaps it will show a trend for those data crunchers. I have always liked to play with google maps. The sheer amount of data available and the ways that data can be put to use is just amazing. In this case, a brilliant guy put in the effort and came out with the Singapore electoral map boundaries for GE2011. Basically using google maps as the base, he entered in data for...
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